Computation of surface water availability in Indonesia based on satellite data
Information on water availability is vital in water resources management. Unfortunately, information on the condition of hydrological data, either river flow data, or rainfall data is very limited temporally and spatially. With the availability of satellite technology, rainfall in the tropics can be monitored and recorded for further analysis. This paper discusses the calculation of surface water availability based on rainfall data from TRMM satellite, and then Wflow, a distributed rainfall-runoff model generates monthly time runoff data from 2003 to 2015 for all river basin areas in Indonesia. It is concluded that the average surface water availability in Indonesia is 88.3 thousand m3/s or equivalent to 2.78 trillion m3/ year. This figure is lower than the study of Water Resources Research Center 2010 based on discharge at the post estimated water that produces 3.9 trillion m3/year, but very close to the study of Aquastat FAO of 2.79 trillion m3 / year. The main benefit of this satellite-based calculation is that at any location in Indonesia, potential surface water can be obtained by multiplying the area of the catchment and the runoff height.
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