Soil and water conservation activities in a watershed must be monitored, so that results in watershed
management are known. The activities are to be implemented using an accurate method for evaluating the
impact of conservation activities in accordance with the improvement of watershed condition. Evaluation of
watershed condition should use hydrology parameters measured at the outlet of a watershed, and be
explained quantitatively as a result of direct measurement. Such kind of evaluation can be used if
appropriate instruments have been placed in the watershed. The number of watersheds or sub-watersheds
provided with sufficient amount of instruments is very limited. Using a model to evaluate the watershed
condition is one of the alternatives in finding solution to the above-mentioned problem. One of these models
is the AGNPS Model. A study with application of such model was carried out in the Bila Bulu CendranaE
watershed (South Sulawesi), and results show that the second scenario is the most suitable to improve the
Bila Bulu CendranaE watershed condition.
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