Application of numeric benthic macroinvertebrate indices to predict river water pollution categories was
poorly developed in Indonesia. A lack of information in this numeric indices study caused Indonesia be left
behind in developing this science, consequently this method was not yet applied in routinely based river
management. The main objectives of this research are: a). to examine the suitability of three benthic
macroinvertebrate metrics to water chemical-physical index b). to assess test site based on water pollution
categories. Survey method was used as research methodology. Water sampling and its analysis were done in
field and laboratory. Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) was used as water quality analysis method. Scoring
of LAWA was used to evaluate the chemical-physical index, whereas categorization and classification of
water quality was based on the saprobic classification. As related to the correlation test, highest coefficient
value was shown by score Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP) (r = 0,89) compared to a metric
taxa richness (r = 0,84), and diversity index (r = 0,57). Therefore, BMWP score is indicating that
classification of water pollution in Ciliwung River can be divided into three categories: moderately polluted,
critically polluted and heavily polluted.
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